

My name is Marina I was born in Milan, under the sign of Pisces and, like everyone belonging to this sign, I love everything that is beautiful and harmonious, but most of all the beautiful people, the beautiful smiles and the determination to want to hit a goal.

I had to face many “difficult training” during my life, and thanks to that, I firmly believe that there are no overly ambitious goals but only people who give up. My skills and my experience are the fruit of my resilience and my great willpower.


Ho dovuto affrontare molti “allenamenti difficili” durante la mia vita e, grazie a questo, credo fermamente che non esistano obiettivi troppo ambiziosi, ma solo persone che si arrendono. Le mie competenze e la mia esperienza sono il frutto della mia resilienza e grande forza di volontà.

At a certain point in my career I discovered I was creative, and so I understood that my past and current experience could come together in the perfect job: Innovation Project Manager.

I have always had a strategic vision, an open mind and a strong predisposition for problem solving.

Always passionate about innovation and beauty, meaning not just a purely aesthetic value but also emotional well-being, I promote “ecology of mind” as a pathway to put the focus back on people; I indeed believe that individual and collective well-being are the right strategy for increasing corporate productivity.

A focus on mental and physical health – but how?

By exploiting and enhancing the professional mastery and culture of unique companies or artisans who do not offer mass production or services, but rather the right product/service for mental well-being. Because, through greater self -awareness, people are simply happier and therefore more focused and productive.

My partnerships can therefore be wide ranging, because attention to detail and actual needs and requirements leads to the creation of authentic, long-lasting and soulful products.